흙을 돌보는 시간 Time to care for soil, 2019
외할아버지는 치매로 기억을 잃어가고, 어머니는 보호센터를 거부하는 할아버지를 위해 할아버지가 노래를 가르치는 무형문화재라는 거짓말을 꾸며낸다. 나는 이 가족사에 개입해 거짓 다큐멘터리를 찍는다.
할아버지가 농사를 짓던 텃밭에선 내 기억 속의 채소가 더 이상 자라지 않는다. 그 밭의 흙은 액자를 만들기 위한 재료가 된다. 모래는 틀이 되고 고운 흙은 유약이 되고 돌멩이는 버려진다.
Dambagoo* (still cut), Single channel video, 07′ 30″, 2019
* 담바구 : dialect of cigarette
Dambagoo and Time to care for soil, single channel video (Dambagoo), abandoned clock and frames in my grandfather’s house, 2019
Exhibition view (패브릭하우스 f-house, CR collective, 2019)
soil that my grandfather farmed before he had dementia, 2019
Time to care for soil, ceramic frames made of soil my grandfather farmed, paint and pencil on wood, 2019
Exhibition view (패브릭하우스 f-house, CR collective, 2019)
Time to care for soil (right side), ceramic frames made of soil my grandfather farmed, paint and pencil on wood, 2019
Time to care for soil (left side), ceramic frames made of soil my grandfather farmed, paint and pencil on wood, 2019
Time to care for soil, ceramic frame, single channel video (Dambagoo), abandoned clock and frames in my grandfather’s house, 2019
Exhibition view (패브릭하우스 f-house, CR collective, 2019)